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Is it legal?

If you are leading others and are concerned with the organization having a future, you should have a strong human resources team on board. While you may be asking if it's legal, we ask is it ethical, what are the potential risks, is there a better way and how is this decision aligned with the organizations mission and vision. Furthermore, how does this decision impact marketplace positions, employee engagement net profits?

A complete business decision cannot be made without human resources and if you are making decisions, even if you believe its a "small" decision you could be in violation of some law or on the wrong side of ethics. There are the things that shouldn't go on an application, reasonable accommodations guidelines for applicants and employees and language that you definitely do not use in an interview. All organizations need to have HR "at the table" for far more than "is it legal?". Human resources can guide your business to a more robust bottom-line. We expertly adjust the sails.

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