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Ethics Matters

In this day and age where CEO's are resigning because they have fallen short of their own companies ethics codes or owners are leaving their organizations because of sexual harassments charges or claims, we must know that ethics matter.

I have worked for organizations where the leaders had a sliding scale relationship to ethics and the organization and its people suffered. While companies, non-profit, profit, big and small, have a litany of ethics codes and standards of behavior, it really is a matter of choosing between right and wrong. It is a choice of being respectable or not. When you have a sick employee, it is not right to aggrandize their performance as compared their counterparts to actively off board. It is abhorrent to allow bullying to happen because you like the person delivering the gas lighting. There are everyday decisions that matter and we can make sure ethics matter by doing what is right for humanity.

When we get back to basics and do what is right, it can positively impact employee engagement and productivity. Ethics, therefore, affect your bottom-line positively or negatively. The choice is yours with regard to ethics matters.

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